A lot of people with disorders in the legs that can be treated with medical devices prescribed by the doctor. Thus, the quality of life can be improved by medical products for Orthopedic, namely silicone insoles.
Thanks to insoles and the properties of silicon insoles pays off both requests, as well as in the static position. They have different densities, the blue areas which are softer than the rest of the foot, which minimizes pressure, adapting perfectly to the anatomy of the foot. Amy insoles-Plant, silicon, absorb the entire foot applications, in particular in the areas of support at the level of the metatarsal and heel. Orthopedic products are extreme, due to the fact that prevent the emergence of pressure at the level of the heel and the broken metatarsal. Silicon insoles are prescribed to be worn in case of tired feet, weak and delicate or in cases of post-operative most survivable cancers. Furthermore, they can be worn when practising sports that require submission of an extended effort. The main feature of the inner soles of silicone is their elasticity.
Silicone insoles, three quarters, lined
Silicone insoles, three-quarters and lined, models-760F and PL-760, are made from silicon properties with metatarsal support and in the calcaneus, having different densities and deck. Being lined with a hypoallergenic polyester material, they prevent the emergence and growth of bacteria and are easily washed. Silicone insoles pays off both requests, as well as in the static position. Are recommended to be worn in talalgii, bursitis, metatarsal, calcaneal spur, fasciite planting and the diabetic foot. Furthermore, they can be given in case of fatigue or pain in the legs, as a result of surgery or during sports practice.
Silicone insoles, long and complete
Silicone insoles, long and complete models-750F lined and PL-750, are made of silicone with metatarsal support, vâscoelastice and calcaneus. They have different densities, with support and bridge, and hypoallergenic polyester material with which they are lined, prevents the emergence and growth of bacteria, being easily washed.
Densităţile different areas of blue, which are softer than the rest of the foot, the pressure drop constribuie, adapting to the anatomy of the foot.
And they are recommended to be worn in talalgii, bursitis, metatarsal, calcaneal spur, fasciite planting and the diabetic foot. Furthermore, they can be given in case of fatigue or pain in the legs, as a result of surgery or during sports practice.
Silicone insoles, long, lined and without support
Silicone insoles, long, lined and without support, models-755F and PL-755, thanks to the Silicon from which they are made, pays off both requests, as well as in the static position. Mainly, these products offer Orthopedic Centre presents aceleşi features like silicone insoles, long and complete.
Silicone insoles, and extrafine lined
Extrafine insoles and are manufactured from silicone lined with other good insole materials, a very flexible material, extra fine, which allows adaptation to the majority of shoes due to the reduced thickness. These products support the calcaneus and metatarsal, densities, and support the deck. Hypoallergenic polyester material prevents the emergence and growth of bacteria, being easily washed. Requests during walking, but also in static position are reduced, as indicated in talalgii, bursitis, metatarsalgii, calcaneal spur, fasciite planting and the diabetic foot. Furthermore, they may be recommended in case of fatigue or pain in the legs, as a result of surgery or during sports practice.
Orthopedic Center, the leading provider of medical devices in Romania
Orthopedic Center provide patients medical products, higher standards. Specialists working in the Center identifies the needs of each patient and ensure that recommended the best solutions. Improving the quality of life for people who require Orthopedic Center support, mission specialists conducted with earnestness and professionalism every day.
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