Dear. It's time to remind the public how it is important to the health of every human in this healthy feet, exposed to unpleasant smells. To this end, from decades in all developed countries when buying footwear each culture self-respecting buyer footwear purchases at least one pair of inserts for shoes where he is offered shall at the store.
We promote in Poland buying shoes with leather insoles to any client that provides and enhances personal hygiene and comfort of the feet. The insoles are interchangeable, matching each type of shoes are very comfortable to improve wearing comfort shoes, after the capture of clean skin scent of leather without any perfume additives. The feet are tired and devoid of any unpleasant often embarrassing problems.
Recommended by dermatologists, also during treatment feet which unfortunately in some countries is not uncommon.
There are pasted, free of any chemical substances with the same thickness 0,7 mm cowhide or sheep's clothing in all sizes and quantities. Frequent inserts ensure elimination of been side effects, increases self-confidence and good shoes in the extended foot.
Our insoles are produced in England with the exported skin with Polish.
Prices depending on the ordered quantity of inserts are within the price from 20 to 45 zł for a pair.
Each insole is marked with the stamp with the logo of our company and packaged in a way that does not endanger the environment.
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